Sunday 29 August 2010

Busy Busy!

Just working on a wedding video for my cousin (a sort of spur of the moment project which I think could possibly come in handy) It's hard work and very difficult making it into something which I would feel comfortably with myself...but I think I've pulled it off! It looks and sounds very idyllic! I hope the couple like it!

And I've worked on making a book for my cousins 1st Birthday with my photographs. This was pretty easy as I used 'Blurb' which makes life so much simpler (and the prices aren't so bad!) I recommend having a look and making your own picture books too! It's quite fun!

(Also hear from Raindance about the competition this week, I looked at the other entries... and don't think I have much chance of winning!)

Thursday 5 August 2010

Busy! Busy!

Still busy working on the current big project. It is vital I finish it soon! VERY difficult as I am having to take on a lot more than I thought I would have! But onwards and upwards!

I have also recently returned from a short trip to Ireland with my sister. It was just what I needed and I had shot some stuff there as I received information about a competition held by Raindance:

I submitted it already, so fingers crossed! :)

Post Script: Ireland Rocks!